Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name FC Klosterneuburg
Player count 8

Tournament information

Tournament title 1st stage Austrian National FootGolf Tour 2017

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
04/22/2017 08:55 Böck Luki M Austria
04/22/2017 08:53 Duty Ben M Austria
04/22/2017 08:54 Duty Chris M Austria
04/22/2017 08:59 Halilhodzic Damir M Austria
04/22/2017 08:56 Scherer Juls M Austria
04/22/2017 08:52 Slama Flo M Austria
04/22/2017 09:00 Wertheim Daniel M Austria
04/22/2017 08:53 Wisniewski Kajetan M Austria

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