Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name FootGolf Senec
Player count 6

Tournament information

Tournament title 1st stage Austrian National FootGolf Tour 2017

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
04/13/2017 11:04 Gubáni Juraj M 1983 Slovakia
04/20/2017 10:18 Hollósy Tomáš M 1980 Slovakia
04/23/2017 09:22 Horváth Ján M 1976 Slovakia
04/23/2017 09:21 Horváth Samuel M 2000 Slovakia
04/20/2017 10:22 Pomichal Patrik M 1980 Slovakia
04/18/2017 09:49 Šmihel Marek M 1974 Slovakia

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