Tomanová Jitka - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Female
Full name Tomanová Jitka
Year of birth (age) 1975 (49)
City Statenice
State Czech Republic

League information

Name Klatovská fotbalgolfová liga
Sport Footballgolf
League status play



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
3 Improving position 2. turnaj - ACTIPACK CUP - klatovská fotbalgolfová liga - scramble jednotlivců / Ženy 07/03/2021 157 0.00 (85.00)
6 Improving position 5. turnaj - ACTIPACK CUP - klatovská fotbalgolfová liga - hra na jamky / Ženy 09/18/2021 0 0.00 (66.00)
3 Improving position 6. turnaj - ACTIPACK CUP 2023- klatovská fotbalgolfová liga / Ženy 09/16/2023 166 85.00

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