Guriš Pavol - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Guriš Pavol
Year of birth (age) 1980 (44)
City -- not filled --
State Slovakia

League information

Name Slovenská Footgolfová Tour
Sport Footgolf
League status play



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
44 Improving position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 14.04. - 2. kolo - ŠURANY / Muži do 45 04/14/2024 75 2.56
39 Improving position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 20.04. - 3. kolo - PIEŠTANY / Muži do 45 04/20/2024 81 3.87
40 Worsening position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 27.04. - Presunuté - 1. kolo - SKALICA - horné ihrisko (ZSFGL 2.kolo) / Muži do 45 04/27/2024 85 3.71



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
77 Improving position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 14.04. - 2. kolo - ŠURANY / Absolut pro Tour 04/14/2024 75 0.13
73 Improving position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 20.04. - 3. kolo - PIEŠTANY / Absolut pro Tour 04/20/2024 81 0.19
82 Worsening position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 27.04. - Presunuté - 1. kolo - SKALICA - horné ihrisko (ZSFGL 2.kolo) / Absolut pro Tour 04/27/2024 85 0.10

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