Einzel Damen

Tournament: Race of Champions 2023 - Finale | Start: 04/21/2024 09:00
Player count: 9 | Team type: Individual | Current round count: 3

Position Player name No. Year of birth State Round count Holes finished Score Par
1 Same position Weidenegger Andrea 1996 Germany 3 54 190 -26
2 Same position Tiemann Sarah 1993 Germany 3 54 193 -23
3  ! WPO Same position Beiser Stephanie 1989 Germany 3 54 202 -14
4  ! WPO Improving position Rolli Laura 1996 Germany 3 54 202 -14
5 Same position Mayer Sandra 1981 Germany 3 54 210 -6
6 Same position Römer Bianca 1986 Germany 3 54 224 8
7 Same position Schaser Melanie 1991 Germany 3 54 225 9
8 Same position Taubenberger Tanja 1972 Germany 3 54 233 17
9 Same position Pflüger Miriam 1981 Germany 3 54 240 24
Note: (*) - [DNF] is unfinished / (***) - Holes/tables/courts/shotgun... where we play/shoot

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