Bajer Lukáš - Player detail


Personal photograph


Basic information

gScore ID 7679
Gender Male
Nickname -- not filled --
Degree -- not filled --
First name Lukáš
Middle name -- not filled --
Last name Bajer
Year of birth (age) 1993 (31)
City Nový Jičín
State Czech Republic

About user

-- not filled --

Positions in tournaments

Summary information in the ranking


User and their membership

Registered when Card code Card type Valid?
08/07/2017 08:15 0254 CFGA membership card <b>invalid</b>
04/07/2019 16:46 00014 FP Klubová karta Rybí <b>invalid</b>

User and club information

(x) Founding Club name State Member count Action
03/07/2016 FotbalGolf Rybí Czech Republic Membership cancelled

Official tournaments

League achievements

Order Sport Change Player name League category name Categories played Score Count of points Action
Worsening position Fotbalgolf Rybí - A Česká fotbalgolfová liga - CFGL Team 2019 - Muži 6 3552 363.20
Improving position Bajer Lukáš Česká fotbalgolfová liga - CFGL Muži 7 1066 0.00
Improving position Bajer Lukáš Česká fotbalgolfová liga - CFGL Muži dvojice 2 149 0.00


Own achievements - confirmed

Order Sport Tournament name Category No. Round number Score Score above par Action
There are no own achievements entered so far.

Own achievements - not confirmed

Order Sport Tournament name Category No. Round number Score Score above par Action
There are no own achievements entered so far.

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