Bombala Samuel - Registered player detail


Registered player information

Starting number not assigned yet
Player name Bombala Samuel
First name Samuel
Last name Bombala
Gender male
Foot Right
Year of birth 2010
State Slovakia Slovakia
Club FootGolfový klub Senec
City Rovinka
Association Slovenská FootGolfová Asociácia

Registered user or association member

Association Slovenská FootGolfová Asociácia (0102)
User Bombala Samuel

Registration took place in the following categories

Name No. of players Max. registrations Team type Team count type
Juniori do 16 7 100 Individual Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Teammate name?

Payment, confirmation, cancellation etc...

Dates and times

Online registration? Yes / Yes
Confirmed? Yes
Created 04/30/2022 21:22:23.490
Last changed 05/01/2022 17:56:38.183

Results of each category

Absolut (Position: 38 | Score: 64 | Par: -8 )

Round 1 GT18 3 2 6 3 2 3 3 3 5 30 5 2 6 6 2 3 4 2 4 34 64 -8

Juniori do 16 (Position: 6 | Score: 64 | Par: -8 ) category is calculated from different results

Round 1 GT18 3 2 6 3 2 3 3 3 5 30 5 2 6 6 2 3 4 2 4 34 64 -8
Crossed results are not included in total score.

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