Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name FootGolf São Paulo
Player count 11

Tournament information

Tournament title Iguaçu Open de FootGolf 2023

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
03/29/2023 20:07 Borges Anderson M 1981 Brazille
03/29/2023 21:21 De Castro Silva Raphael M 1978 Brazille
03/29/2023 21:27 Junior Rosa Roger M 1972 Brazille
03/29/2023 20:32 Lara Nunes Fernando M 1985 Brazille
03/29/2023 21:31 Largo de Lavigne Samways Simone F 1969 Brazille
03/29/2023 22:51 Lima Renato M 1989 Brazille
03/29/2023 20:29 Menezes Dias Felipe M 1972 Brazille
03/29/2023 20:32 Moskoski Fernando M 1981 Brazille
03/29/2023 23:43 Panica Leandro M 1985 Brazille
03/29/2023 21:24 Rodrigues Queiroz Robson M 1979 Brazille
03/29/2023 21:04 Souza Júnior afonso Luiz M 1982 Brazille

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