Beiser Stephanie - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Female
Full name Beiser Stephanie
Year of birth (age) 1989 (35)
City -- not filled --
State Germany

League information

Name WFGA Tour
Sport Footballgolf
League status play


Double Women

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
58 Improving position 0 0.00 (39.00)
3 Improving position World Championship CZ 2021 / Women Doubles 07/23/2021 149 0.00 (120.00)
1 Improving position German Open 2021 / Women Doubles 10/15/2021 131 0.00 (48.00)
3 Improving position World Championship 2022 / Woman Doubles All 08/04/2022 215 63.00 (126.00)
2 Improving position Euro 2023 - Footballgolf / Women Doubles 05/19/2023 142 103.50 (207.00)
11 Improving position World Championship 2023 / Women´s Doubles 08/17/2023 201 68.42


Single Women

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
46 Improving position 0 0.00 (69.00)
6 Improving position World Championship CZ 2021 / Women Singles 07/23/2021 297 0.00 (96.49)
2 Improving position German Open 2021 / Women Singles 10/15/2021 247 0.00 (46.00)
3 Improving position World Championship 2022 / Women Singles All 08/04/2022 259 105.00 (210.00)
1 Improving position Euro 2023 - Footballgolf / Women Singles 05/19/2023 265 125.00 (250.00)
1 Improving position World Championship 2023 / Women´s Singles 08/17/2023 286 175.00

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