Ivanko Dominik - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Ivanko Dominik
Year of birth (age) 1992 (32)
City -- not filled --
State Slovakia

League information

Name Slovenský Footgolfový Rebríček
Sport Footgolf
League status finished



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
1 Improving position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 06.06. - 1. kolo - SKALICA - dolné ihrisko / Amatéri 06/06/2020 81 100.00
1 Same position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 06.06. - 2. kolo - SKALICA - horné ihrisko / Amatéri 06/06/2020 76 100.00
1 Improving position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 11.07. - 4. kolo - VEĽKÁ LOMNICA / Amatéri 07/11/2020 72 100.00
1 Same position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 12.07. - 5. kolo - MALÝ SLAVKOV / Amatéri 07/12/2020 83 100.00



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
33 Improving position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 06.06. - 1. kolo - SKALICA - dolné ihrisko / Absolut 06/06/2020 81 6.94
35 Worsening position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 06.06. - 2. kolo - SKALICA - horné ihrisko / Absolut 06/06/2020 76 5.87
16 Improving position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 11.07. - 4. kolo - VEĽKÁ LOMNICA / Absolut 07/11/2020 72 28.62
30 Worsening position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 12.07. - 5. kolo - MALÝ SLAVKOV / Absolut 07/12/2020 83 8.91

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