Gabriš Igor - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Gabriš Igor
Year of birth (age) 1976 (48)
City Láb
State Slovakia

League information

Name Slovenský Footgolfový Rebríček
Sport Footgolf
League status finished



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
2 Improving position SFGA - CUP '20 - 01.08. - 2. kolo - KOŠ / Amatéri 08/01/2020 75 46.00
4 Worsening position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 08.08. - 6. kolo - ŠURANY / Amatéri 08/08/2020 65 77.87
8 Worsening position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 12.09. - 7. kolo - BERNOLÁKOVO / Amatéri 09/12/2020 85 55.79
1 Improving position SFGA - CUP '20 - 20.09. - 3. kolo - TRNAVA / Amatéri 09/20/2020 57 50.00
4 Worsening position SFGA - CUP '20 - 27.09. - 4. kolo - ČIERNA VODA - FINÁLE / Amatéri 10/10/2020 72 38.93
1 Improving position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 26.09. - 8. kolo - ŠURANY - FINÁLE / Amatéri 10/17/2020 63 100.00



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
13 Improving position SFGA - CUP '20 - 26.07. - 1. kolo - TOMÁŠOV / Muži do 45 07/26/2020 61 18.38



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
17 Improving position SFGA - CUP '20 - 26.07. - 1. kolo - TOMÁŠOV / Absolut 07/26/2020 61 13.17
22 Worsening position SFGA - CUP '20 - 01.08. - 2. kolo - KOŠ / Absolut 08/01/2020 75 8.68
52 Worsening position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 08.08. - 6. kolo - ŠURANY / Absolut 08/08/2020 65 1.43
47 Improving position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 12.09. - 7. kolo - BERNOLÁKOVO / Absolut 09/12/2020 85 2.16
12 Improving position SFGA - CUP '20 - 20.09. - 3. kolo - TRNAVA / Absolut 09/20/2020 57 19.98
12 Same position SFGA - TOUR '20 - 26.09. - 8. kolo - ŠURANY - FINÁLE / Absolut 09/26/2020 63 39.96
21 Worsening position SFGA - CUP '20 - 27.09. - 4. kolo - ČIERNA VODA - FINÁLE / Absolut 10/10/2020 72 9.43

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