Jensen Slumstrup Rasmus - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Jensen Slumstrup Rasmus
Year of birth (age) 1990 (34)
City Herning
State Danmark

League information

Name DFGF Tour
Sport Footballgolf
League status play


Herre B

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
3 Improving position DFGF Tour 2021 - Ørsted Ørredvand / Herre B 05/01/2021 252 0.00 (42.40)
5 Worsening position DFGF Tour 2021 - Frederikssund Fodboldgolf / Herre B 05/02/2021 212 0.00 (35.80)
7 Worsening position DFGF Tour 2021 - Bramdrupdam Fodboldgolf / Herre B 06/06/2021 197 0.00 (30.40)
4 Improving position DFGF Tour 2021 - Vesterhavets Fodboldgolf Open / Herre B 08/08/2021 202 0.00 (39.00)

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