Marono Manuel Luis - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Marono Manuel Luis
Year of birth (age) 1961 (63)
City Redondo
State Portugal

League information

Name Circuito Portugal Footgolf
Sport Footgolf
League status play


World Cup Senior

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
17 Improving position Etapa 1 Ribagolfe / WC Senior 02/05/2022 78 68.00
19 Worsening position Etapa 2 Ribagolfe / WC Senior 02/06/2022 78 65.33
33 Improving position Etapa 5 Santo Estevao / WC Senior 04/02/2022 80 52.00
19 Improving position Etapa 6 Santo Estevao / WC Senior 04/03/2022 78 66.00
22 Worsening position Etapa 7 Montebelo / WC Senior 05/07/2022 74 63.00
34 Worsening position Etapa 8 Montebelo / WC Senior 05/08/2022 76 51.00
9 Improving position Etapa 9 Grouse Course / WC Senior 06/04/2022 64 85.33
34 Worsening position Etapa 10 Grouse Course / WC Senior 06/05/2022 72 51.00
10 Improving position Etapa 11 Santo Estevão / WC Senior 07/02/2022 70 85.00
16 Worsening position Etapa 12 Ribagolfe / WC Senior 07/03/2022 75 71.00
34 Worsening position Etapa 13 Dolce CampoReal / WC Senior 07/30/2022 78 51.00
22 Improving position Etapa 14 Dolce CampoReal / WC Senior 07/31/2022 74 63.00
5 Improving position Etapa 1 Castro Marim / WC Senior 01/21/2023 61 94.00
24 Worsening position Etapa 2 Castro Marim / WC Senior 01/22/2023 65 61.00
12 Improving position Etapa 3 Ribagolfe / WC Senior 02/04/2023 71 77.00
8 Improving position Etapa 4 Ribagolfe / WC Senior 02/05/2023 70 84.50
6 Improving position Etapa 5 Amarante / WC Senior 02/25/2023 72 89.67
8 Worsening position Etapa 6 Amarante / WC Senior 02/26/2023 70 84.50



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
16 Improving position Etapa 1 Ribagolfe / Senior 02/05/2022 78 72.00
17 Worsening position Etapa 2 Ribagolfe / Senior 02/06/2022 78 69.00
28 Improving position Etapa 5 Santo Estevao / Senior 04/02/2022 80 57.00
16 Improving position Etapa 6 Santo Estevao / Senior 04/03/2022 78 72.00
17 Worsening position Etapa 7 Montebelo / Senior 05/07/2022 74 68.00
29 Worsening position Etapa 8 Montebelo / Senior 05/08/2022 76 56.00
7 Improving position Etapa 9 Grouse Course / Senior 06/04/2022 64 92.50
29 Worsening position Etapa 10 Grouse Course / Senior 06/05/2022 72 56.00
10 Improving position Etapa 11 Santo Estevão / Senior 07/02/2022 70 85.00
14 Worsening position Etapa 12 Ribagolfe / Senior 07/03/2022 75 76.00
29 Worsening position Etapa 13 Dolce CampoReal / Senior 07/30/2022 78 56.00
18 Improving position Etapa 14 Dolce CampoReal / Senior 07/31/2022 74 69.00


EC Séniores 24

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
42 Improving position Etapa 1 Torres Vedras / EC Séniores 02/10/2024 73 43.00
33 Improving position Etapa 2 Amarante / EC Séniores 03/09/2024 66 52.00
15 Improving position Etapa 3 Santo Estêvão / EC Sénior 03/23/2024 73 71.00
15 Same position Etapa 4 Montebelo / EC Sénior 04/06/2024 65 72.00


Séniores 55+ 24

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
9 Improving position Etapa 1 Torres Vedras / Senior 55+ 02/10/2024 73 88.00
7 Improving position Etapa 2 Amarante / Séniores 55+ 03/09/2024 66 92.50
4 Improving position Etapa 3 Santo Estêvão / Sénior 55+ 03/23/2024 73 102.50
1 Improving position Etapa 4 Montebelo / Sénior 55+ 04/06/2024 65 140.00


Senior 55+

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
2 Improving position Etapa 1 Ribagolfe / Sénior 55+ 02/05/2022 78 0.00 (122.50)
2 Same position Etapa 2 Ribagolfe / Sénior 55+ 02/06/2022 78 0.00 (130.00)
6 Improving position Etapa 5 Santo Estevao / Sénior 55+ 04/02/2022 80 0.00 (95.50)
3 Improving position Etapa 6 Santo Estevao / Sénior 55+ 04/03/2022 78 0.00 (115.00)
3 Same position Etapa 7 Montebelo / Sénior 55+ 05/07/2022 74 0.00 (115.00)
4 Worsening position Etapa 8 Montebelo / Sénior 55+ 05/08/2022 76 0.00 (102.50)
1 Improving position Etapa 9 Grouse Course / Sénior 55+ 06/04/2022 64 0.00 (150.00)
7 Worsening position Etapa 10 Grouse Course / Sénior 55+ 06/05/2022 72 0.00 (94.00)
3 Improving position Etapa 11 Santo Estevão / Sénior 55+ 07/02/2022 70 0.00 (115.00)
2 Improving position Etapa 12 Ribagolfe / Sénior 55+ 07/03/2022 75 0.00 (130.00)
5 Worsening position Etapa 13 Dolce CampoReal / Sénior 55+ 07/30/2022 78 0.00 (100.00)
1 Improving position Etapa 14 Dolce CampoReal / Sénior 55+ 07/31/2022 74 0.00 (150.00)
2 Improving position Etapa 1 Castro Marim / Sénior 55+ 01/21/2023 61 130.00
5 Worsening position Etapa 2 Castro Marim / Sénior 55+ 01/22/2023 65 100.00
3 Improving position Etapa 3 Ribagolfe / Sénior 55+ 02/04/2023 71 115.00
2 Improving position Etapa 4 Ribagolfe / Sénior 55+ 02/05/2023 70 130.00
2 Same position Etapa 5 Amarante / Sénior 55+ 02/25/2023 72 122.50
3 Worsening position Etapa 6 Amarante / Sénior 55+ 02/26/2023 70 110.00
2 Improving position Etapa 7 Torres Vedras / Sénior 55+ 04/15/2023 70 130.00
6 Worsening position Etapa 8 Torres Vedras / Sénior 55+ 04/16/2023 71 97.00
7 Worsening position Etapa 9 Montebelo / Sénior 55+ 05/13/2023 77 94.00
1 Improving position Etapa 10 Montebelo / Sénior 55+ 05/14/2023 69 140.00
8 Worsening position Etapa 11 Ribagolfe / Sénior 55+ 07/08/2023 79 91.00
4 Improving position Etapa 12 Santo Estêvão / Sénior 55+ 07/09/2023 77 100.67



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
55 Improving position Etapa 1 Ribagolfe / Geral 02/05/2022 78 0.00 (30.00)
59 Worsening position Etapa 2 Ribagolfe / Geral 02/06/2022 78 0.00 (26.00)
97 Improving position Etapa 5 Santo Estevao / Geral 04/02/2022 80 0.00 (1.00)
63 Improving position Etapa 6 Santo Estevao / Geral 04/03/2022 78 0.00 (22.00)
64 Worsening position Etapa 7 Montebelo / Geral 05/07/2022 74 0.00 (21.00)
91 Worsening position Etapa 8 Montebelo / Geral 05/08/2022 76 0.00 (1.00)
30 Improving position Etapa 9 Grouse Course / Geral 06/04/2022 64 0.00 (55.00)
111 Worsening position Etapa 10 Grouse Course / Geral 06/05/2022 72 0.00 (1.00)
41 Improving position Etapa 11 Santo Estevão / Geral 07/02/2022 70 0.00 (44.00)
61 Worsening position Etapa 12 Ribagolfe / Geral 07/03/2022 75 0.00 (24.00)
102 Worsening position Etapa 13 Dolce CampoReal / Geral 07/30/2022 78 0.00 (1.00)
74 Improving position Etapa 14 Dolce CampoReal / Geral 07/31/2022 74 0.00 (11.00)
35 Improving position Etapa 1 Castro Marim / Geral 01/21/2023 61 50.00
71 Worsening position Etapa 2 Castro Marim / Geral 01/22/2023 65 14.00
39 Improving position Etapa 3 Ribagolfe / Geral 02/04/2023 71 46.00
40 Worsening position Etapa 4 Ribagolfe / Geral 02/05/2023 70 45.00
40 Same position Etapa 5 Amarante / Geral 02/25/2023 72 45.00
31 Improving position Etapa 6 Amarante / Geral 02/26/2023 70 54.00
52 Worsening position Etapa 7 Torres Vedras / Geral 04/15/2023 70 33.00
75 Worsening position Etapa 8 Torres Vedras / Geral 04/16/2023 71 10.00
81 Worsening position Etapa 9 Montebelo / Geral 05/13/2023 77 4.00
31 Improving position Etapa 10 Montebelo / Geral 05/14/2023 69 54.00
95 Worsening position Etapa 11 Ribagolfe / Geral 07/08/2023 79 1.00
73 Improving position Etapa 12 Santo Estêvão / Geral 07/09/2023 77 12.00

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