Godoy Márquez Ivan - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Godoy Márquez Ivan
Year of birth (age) 1976 (48)
City San Sebastián de los Reyes
State Spain

League information

Name Campeonato Castilla La Mancha
Sport Footgolf
League status play



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
5 Improving position Circuito DOP Valtiendas 2023. Campeonato de Castilla y Léon FootGolf Etapa 5 / Senior 09/09/2023 87 166.67
5 Improving position Liga Castilla La Mancha VII Etapa / Senior 11/25/2023 63 138.89
7 Improving position Liga Castilla La Mancha I Etapa / Senior 03/09/2024 72 133.93



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
18 Improving position Circuito DOP Valtiendas 2023. Campeonato de Castilla y Léon FootGolf Etapa 5 / Absoluta 09/09/2023 87 96.84
4 Improving position Liga Castilla La Mancha VII Etapa / General 11/25/2023 63 166.67
18 Improving position Liga Castilla La Mancha I Etapa / General 03/09/2024 72 105.19

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