Domingo Lopez Rebeca - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Female
Full name Domingo Lopez Rebeca
Year of birth (age) 1981 (43)
City Madrid
State Spain

League information

Name Campeonato de Castilla y Leon
Sport Footgolf
League status play



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
13 Improving position Liga Castilla La Mancha I Etapa / General 02/26/2022 68 0.00 (91.92)
1 Improving position Liga Castilla La Mancha I Etapa / Femenino 02/26/2022 68 0.00 (250.00)
1 Improving position Circuito Valtiendas. Campeonato de Castilla y Léon FootGolf Etapa 3 / Femenino 04/30/2022 73 0.00 (250.00)
1 Improving position Circuito Valtiendas. Campeonato de Castilla y Léon FootGolf Etapa 7 FINAL / Femenino 10/08/2022 75 0.00 (250.00)
1 Improving position Etapa 1. Circuito Solterra Compañía Vinícola 2024. Campeonato de Castilla y Léon FootGolf / Femenina 03/23/2024 76 250.00



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
21 Improving position Circuito DOP Valtiendas 2023. Campeonato de Castilla y Léon FootGolf Etapa 3 / Absoluta 05/20/2023 82 0.00 (83.89)

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