Hartmann Patrick - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Hartmann Patrick
Year of birth (age) 1989 (35)
City Zellingen
State Germany

League information

Name Rhein-Neckar Cup
Sport Footballgolf
League status play



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
31 Improving position Rhein-Neckar Cup (1. Turnier) / Einzel 03/24/2018 143 0.00 (10.00)
30 Improving position Rhein-Neckar Cup (3. Turnier) / Einzel 05/10/2018 147 0.00 (12.00)
21 Improving position Rhein-Neckar Cup (5. Turnier) / Einzel 06/24/2018 137 0.00 (14.00)
8 Improving position Rhein-Neckar Cup (6. Turnier) / Einzel 07/25/2018 124 0.00 (28.00)
13 Worsening position Rhein-Neckar Cup (7. Turnier) / Einzel 08/16/2018 130 0.00 (20.00)
39 Improving position 3. Rhein-Neckar Cup 2020 / Einzel 08/03/2020 135 0.00 (8.00)
39 Improving position 4. Rhein-Neckar Cup 2022 / Einzel 07/11/2022 138 0.00 (9.10)



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
31 Improving position Rhein-Neckar Cup (1. Turnier) / Einzel 03/24/2018 143 0.00 (10.00)
30 Improving position Rhein-Neckar Cup (3. Turnier) / Einzel 05/10/2018 147 0.00 (12.00)
21 Improving position Rhein-Neckar Cup (5. Turnier) / Einzel 06/24/2018 137 0.00 (14.00)
8 Improving position Rhein-Neckar Cup (6. Turnier) / Einzel 07/25/2018 124 0.00 (28.00)
13 Worsening position Rhein-Neckar Cup (7. Turnier) / Einzel 08/16/2018 130 0.00 (20.00)
39 Improving position 3. Rhein-Neckar Cup 2020 / Einzel 08/03/2020 135 0.00 (8.00)
39 Improving position 4. Rhein-Neckar Cup 2022 / Einzel 07/11/2022 138 0.00 (9.10)

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