Pinto Coelho Micael - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Pinto Coelho Micael
Year of birth (age) 1993 (31)
City Amarante
State Portugal

League information

Name Swiss Tour
Sport Footgolf
League status play



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
18 Improving position Swiss Tour 23 - Valserine Etappe 2 / Pair 04/29/2023 81 28.00
9 Improving position Swiss Tour 23 - Disentis - étape 7 / Pairs Competition 07/08/2023 67 71.00
2 Improving position Swiss Tour 23 - Basseruche - étape11 / Pairs Competition 09/23/2023 58 85.00
25 Worsening position Swiss Tour 23 - Serves - étape 12 Grande Finale / Pairs Competition 10/14/2023 80 27.00



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
33 Improving position Swiss Tour 23 - Lausanne - étape 1 / Men 04/16/2023 68 0.00 (1.00)
4 Improving position Swiss Tour 23 - Serves - étape 5 / Men 06/10/2023 97 0.00 (70.00)
27 Improving position Swiss Tour 23 - Disentis - étape 7 / Swiss FootGolf Tour - Men 07/08/2023 142 0.00 (3.00)
36 Worsening position The Classic - 2023 / Swiss Footgolf Tour - Men 08/10/2023 153 0.00 (1.00)
38 Improving position Swiss Tour 23 - Serves - étape 12 Grande Finale / Swiss FootGolf Tour - Men 10/14/2023 323 0.00 (1.00)

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