Števiar Marian - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Števiar Marian
Year of birth (age) 1978 (46)
City Pezinok
State Slovakia

League information

Name Slovenská Footgolfová Tour
Sport Footgolf
League status play



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
3 Improving position SFGA - CUP FINÁLE '23 - 23.09. - 4. kolo - Hrubá Borša / Amatéri 09/23/2023 70 0.00
18 Worsening position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '23 - 01.10. - 8. kolo - BERNOLÁKOVO / Amatéri 10/01/2023 86 0.00



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
16 Improving position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 14.04. - 2. kolo - ŠURANY / Seniori 45+ 04/14/2024 73 24.39
20 Worsening position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 20.04. - 3. kolo - PIEŠTANY / Seniori 45+ 04/20/2024 83 19.68
16 Improving position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 27.04. - Presunuté - 1. kolo - SKALICA - horné ihrisko / Seniori 45+ 04/27/2024 80 26.39
23 Worsening position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 04.05. - 4. kolo - Malacky / Seniori 45+ 05/04/2024 85 14.72



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
30 Improving position SFGA - CUP FINÁLE '23 - 23.09. - 4. kolo - Hrubá Borša / Absolut 09/23/2023 70 0.00
65 Worsening position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '23 - 01.10. - 8. kolo - BERNOLÁKOVO / Absolut pro Tour 10/01/2023 86 0.00
61 Improving position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 14.04. - 2. kolo - ŠURANY / Absolut pro Tour 04/14/2024 73 0.49
84 Worsening position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 20.04. - 3. kolo - PIEŠTANY / Absolut pro Tour 04/20/2024 83 0.09
63 Improving position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 27.04. - Presunuté - 1. kolo - SKALICA - horné ihrisko / Absolut pro Tour 04/27/2024 80 0.52
86 Worsening position SFGA - FIFG 100 - TOUR '24 - 04.05. - 4. kolo - Malacky / Absolut pro Tour 05/04/2024 85 0.07

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