Svatomartinský turnaj na Formanské 2024


About tournament

Tournament Svatomartinský turnaj na Formanské 2024
Status Play

Other info

Place information

Sport Footballgolf
Course name FotbalPark Praha
Count holes 18
Par 72


Organiser Formanská sportovní s.r.o.
E-mail Contact us


Start 11/09/2024 10:00
End 11/09/2024 17:00
Registration FROM 10/14/2024 00:00
Registration TILL 11/08/2024 18:00


Max.player count 70  
Number of categories? 3
Number of registered? 45
Number of confirmed players? 45
Number of cancelled reg.? 0

Detailed information

Startovné dospělí 300 Kč   

Závazná objednávka na Svatomartinské husy do 6.11.2024 na emailu nebo osobně v klubovně fotbalparku.


SVATOMARTINSKÉ MENU (HUSA + KALDOUN)                   420 Kč


KALDOUN                                                                                  70 Kč

Pořadatel si vyhrazuje právo zrušit turnaj v případě špatného počasí.  V případě zrušení odešleme informaci o zrušení mail všem registrovaným hráčům do 8.11.2024 21:00 hod.



Name No. of players No. of rounds No. of teams Max. registrations Team type Count of players in team? Team count type Note Action
Muži 37 2 0 70 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place FotbalPark Praha (18 / 72)
Ženy 8 2 0 25 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place FotbalPark Praha (18 / 72)
Děti not yet 10 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place FotbalPark Praha (18 / 72)

Starting fee

Payment method Price Link to Valid from - Valid till
Cash 100.00 Děti -
Cash 300.00 Muži -
Cash 300.00 Ženy -

Online registration is closed!

In case you want to send us a message or complete information given, please use the form below.

In case you want to participate, post the informatin via the form below or come before start.

Contact data

Name *
E-mail *
* - is required


By submitting the form, the client interested in contacting confirms that they are acquainted with The data protection principles and with the conditions for using the portal and that they agree herewith. By submitting the data, the client also confirms that they are entitled hereto and the data submitted are correct. *
Antispam code:
Copy the code from image *

Players registered for tournament


Players in individual categories?


Matches in categories - reports, results


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