Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name Vitória Clube de Santarém
Player count 13

Tournament information

Tournament title Etapa 11 Santo Estevão

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
06/17/2022 22:38 Albuquerque Marcial M 1981 Portugal
06/18/2022 01:09 Alcobaça Filomena F 1978 Portugal
06/17/2022 22:53 Bento André M 1990 Portugal
06/24/2022 00:18 Bento Tereso Renato M 1980 Portugal
06/27/2022 22:23 Caniço Roberto M 1991 Portugal
06/17/2022 21:53 Duarte Vitor M 1981 Portugal
06/20/2022 22:43 Fernandes Artur M 1981 Portugal
06/18/2022 01:06 Gonçalves Sandra F 1970 Portugal
06/17/2022 22:35 Jorge Vasco M 1980 Portugal
06/18/2022 21:56 Piedade Tiago César M 1984 Portugal
06/28/2022 01:12 Pires Nelson M 1983 Portugal
06/17/2022 22:00 Santos Hélio M 1980 Portugal
06/27/2022 07:35 Vitorino Ruben M 1974 Portugal

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