Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name Lisbon Lions FootGolf
Player count 8

Tournament information

Tournament title Etapa 13 Dolce CampoReal

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
07/13/2022 23:26 Duarte Marinho M 1972 Portugal
07/15/2022 23:08 Pacheco James M 1980 Portugal
07/19/2022 13:48 Pereira Rui M 1989 Portugal
07/14/2022 00:23 Policarpo Marco M 1978 Portugal
07/12/2022 01:10 Silva Leonardo M 2006 Portugal
07/15/2022 01:03 Silva Luis M 1981 Portugal
07/14/2022 04:02 Sousa Pedro M 1978 Portugal
07/14/2022 01:20 Villalba Miguel M 1961 Portugal

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