Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name FootGolf Pelotas Clube Campestre
Player count 6

Tournament information

Tournament title Paraná Open FootGolf 2022

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
11/07/2022 18:25 Almeida Oliveira Leonardo M 1990 Brazille
11/07/2022 18:12 Bertoldi Acosta Humberto M 1973 Brazille
11/07/2022 18:40 Lima Moreira Otávio M 1974 Brazille
11/07/2022 16:18 Nunes Fonseca Anderson M 1978 Brazille
11/07/2022 16:16 Santos Barros Alexandre M 1987 Brazille
11/07/2022 16:25 Souza Cabrera Danmersom M 1987 Brazille

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