Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name FC Estrelas Lisboa
Player count 15

Tournament information

Tournament title Etapa 7 Torres Vedras

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
04/04/2023 18:32 Bernardo Pedro M 1981 Portugal
03/30/2023 13:28 Carvalho Miguel M 2004 Portugal
03/30/2023 13:28 Carvalho Pedro M 1976 Portugal
04/05/2023 12:28 Correia Hugo M 1973 Portugal
04/04/2023 18:47 Dinis Pedro M 1977 Portugal
03/27/2023 22:18 Ferreira Mauro M 1977 Portugal
04/05/2023 15:14 Freire Alexandre M 1970 Portugal
03/30/2023 18:28 Marques Luis M 1973 Portugal
03/31/2023 10:02 Mesquita Manuel M 1987 Portugal
04/06/2023 00:03 Moreira Mário M 1972 Portugal
03/29/2023 21:21 Nunes Paulo M 1975 Portugal
03/30/2023 21:56 Pereira Bruno M 1978 Portugal
04/03/2023 16:17 Pimenta Gonçalo M 1977 Portugal
03/29/2023 21:41 Santos Hélio M 1980 Portugal
03/27/2023 22:01 Velho Rui M 1973 Portugal

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