Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name FotbalGolf Bohemka Náchod - A
Player count 4

Tournament information

Tournament title 11. a 12. ligový turnaj CFGL - Nebeská Rybná 2023

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
08/09/2023 11:28 Jelen Jiří Jelča M 1980 Czech Republic
08/08/2023 07:49 Kácovský Jiří Káca M 1967 Czech Republic
08/08/2023 14:36 Ludvík Petr Čudla M 1957 Czech Republic
08/09/2023 11:05 Rompotl Patrik Patras M 1986 Czech Republic

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