Tournament team detail


Team information

Team name FR
Player count 8

Tournament information

Tournament title Italian FootGolf Open - 2017

Player list

Registered No. Player name Gender Year of birth Handicap State Action
07/03/2017 20:09 Balestra Antonio M 1993 France
07/03/2017 20:09 Cousin Nicolas M 1993 France
07/03/2017 20:09 Crevon Frederic M 1976 France
07/05/2017 19:49 Helbois Fabien M 1985 France
07/03/2017 20:09 Hue Jimmy M 1980 France
07/03/2017 20:09 Polfliet Alexandre M 1987 France
07/03/2017 20:09 Pretot Romuald M 1976 France
07/03/2017 20:09 Richer Alexandre M 1990 France

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