Houdayer Olivier - League player detail


Personal photograph

Basic information

Gender Male
Full name Houdayer Olivier
Year of birth (age) 1976 (48)
City -- not filled --
State France

League information

Sport Footgolf
League status play


Team 2023

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
6 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Agen Château d’Allot - Etape 2 / Doubles 04/15/2023 82 155.00
5 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Bordeaux Cameyrac - Etape 3 / Doubles 05/13/2023 65 163.00


Équipe 2024

Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
6 Improving position SOFT 2024 - Golf de Las Martines - Étape 2 / Doubles 06/01/2024 67 155.00
4 Improving position SOFT 2024 - UGolf Bordeaux Cameyrac - Étape 3 / Doubles 06/29/2024 66 171.00



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
3 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Agen Château d’Allot - Etape 2 / Senior 04/15/2023 77 90.50 (181.00)
6 Worsening position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Bordeaux Cameyrac - Etape 3 / Senior 05/13/2023 71 77.50 (155.00)
2 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Cap ferret Cap Golf - Etape 4 / Senior 07/01/2023 57 95.00 (190.00)
3 Improving position SOFT 2024 - Golf de Las Martines - Étape 2 / Senior 06/01/2024 72 181.00
2 Improving position SOFT 2024 - UGolf Bordeaux Cameyrac - Étape 3 / Senior 06/29/2024 70 190.00



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
2 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour : Étape 5 : Golf de Bordeaux Cameyrac / Men 09/18/2021 62 0.00 (190.00)
45 Worsening position National FootGolf Tour/ROUND 1 - Etape 6/Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour - Toulouse Seilh / Men 10/23/2021 73 0.00 (26.00)
24 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2022 - Makila Golf Club - Bayonne - Etape 6 / Men 10/08/2022 80 0.00 (61.00)
38 Worsening position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2022 - Golf de Las Martines - Etape 7 / Men 11/11/2022 77 0.00 (30.00)
37 Same position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2022 - Golf de Seilh - Etape 8 / Men 11/12/2022 76 0.00 (39.00)
21 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Bordeaux Cameyrac - Etape 3 / Men 05/13/2023 71 36.00 (72.00)
10 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Cap ferret Cap Golf - Etape 4 / Men 07/01/2023 57 63.00 (126.00)



Season/stage results

Order Change Tournament name Date Score Count of points Action
2 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour : Étape 5 : Golf de Bordeaux Cameyrac / Absolut 09/18/2021 62 0.00 (190.00)
55 Worsening position National FootGolf Tour/ROUND 1 - Etape 6/Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour - Toulouse Seilh / Absolut 10/23/2021 73 0.00 (16.00)
42 Improving position National FootGolf Tour/ROUND 2 - Etape 7/Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour - Las Martines / Absolut 10/24/2021 72 0.00 (31.00)
27 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2022 - Makila Golf Club - Bayonne - Etape 6 / Absolut 10/08/2022 80 0.00 (53.00)
42 Worsening position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2022 - Golf de Las Martines - Etape 7 / Absolut 11/11/2022 77 0.00 (24.00)
44 Worsening position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2022 - Golf de Seilh - Etape 8 / Absolut 11/12/2022 76 0.00 (28.00)
13 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Agen Château d’Allot - Etape 2 / Absolut 04/15/2023 77 54.00 (108.00)
22 Worsening position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Bordeaux Cameyrac - Etape 3 / Absolut 05/13/2023 71 34.00 (68.00)
11 Improving position Sud Ouest Footgolf Tour 2023 - Cap ferret Cap Golf - Etape 4 / Absolut 07/01/2023 57 60.00 (120.00)
14 Improving position SOFT 2024 - Golf de Las Martines - Étape 2 / Absolut 06/01/2024 72 103.00
13 Improving position SOFT 2024 - UGolf Bordeaux Cameyrac - Étape 3 / Absolut 06/29/2024 70 108.00

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