SOFT - League detail


League information

Abbreviation SUD
Sport Footgolf
League status play
Note -- not filled --
Start date 07/01/2020
End date -- not filled --

Owner information

Mobile -- not filled --
E-mail Contact us


Address Bordeaux 33000
Country France
Phone -- not filled --
Mobile -- not filled --
E-mail Contact us



League organisation structure

Name Valid from Position Year of birth Action
Organisation structure is not known.

Active categories

Created Order Name Age from-till Sex Max.players No. of players in team? Stages / players Closed? Action
07/27/2020 10:46 1 Absolute mix 1000 1 5 / 233 No
07/27/2020 10:45 3 Men M 1000 1 5 / 193 No
07/27/2020 10:45 5 Women F 1000 1 5 / 13 No
10/29/2020 15:56 10 Handi mix 1000 1 2 / 2 No
10/29/2020 15:56 13 Child mix 1000 1 5 / 16 No
09/17/2020 12:16 15 Senior M 1000 1 5 / 32 No
05/10/2023 12:45 20 Team 2023 mix 200 1 1 / 90 No
04/08/2024 23:22 20 Équipe 2024 mix 200 1 0 / 0 No
Category count in the list: 8

Closed/finished categories

Created Order Name Age from-till Sex Max.players No. of players in team? Stages / players Closed? Action
06/29/2021 23:25 20 Team 2021 mix 200 2 1 / 82 Yes
04/20/2022 10:21 20 Team 2022 mix 200 2 2 / 53 Yes
Category count in the list: 2

League seasons/stages

Created Number Name Date from Date till Registration from Registration till Season/stage budget Action
07/27/2020 10:47 2020 SOFT 2020 04/01/2020 12/31/2020 04/01/2020 12/31/2020 0.00
06/15/2021 09:43 2021 SOFT 2021 04/01/2021 12/31/2021 04/01/2021 12/31/2021 0.00
04/19/2022 22:23 2022 SOFT 2022 04/01/2022 12/31/2022 04/01/2022 12/31/2022 0.00
04/25/2023 11:53 2023 SOFT 2023 03/11/2023 11/19/2023 04/01/2022 11/19/2023 0.00
04/08/2024 22:17 2024 SOFT 2024 04/13/2024 11/16/2024 04/08/2024 11/17/2024 0.00 €
Count of seasons/stages in the list: 5

League players - ranking


Results and information on individual tournaments


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