2019 - Season/stage detail


Season/stage information

League name DFGV Tour [DFGV]
Name 2019
Abbreviation 2019
Season/stage status finished
Order 2
Number 2019

Dates and notes

Date from 01/01/2019
Date till 12/31/2019
Registration from -- not filled --
Registration till -- not filled --
Note -- not filled --

Interconnected league categories for season/stage

Name Age from-till Sex Max.players Min. team player count Max. team player count Closed? Action
Einzel Männer M 1000 1 1 No
Einzel Frauen F 1000 1 1 No
Doppel All mix 1000 1 1 No
Doppel Männer M 1000 1 1 Yes
Doppel Frauen F 1000 1 1 Yes
Männer Ü 50 50 - 99 M 1000 1 1 Yes
Frauen Ü 50 50 - 99 F 1000 1 1 Yes
Männer U 16 1 - 15 M 1000 1 1 No
Frauen U 16 1 - 15 F 1000 1 1 No

Season/stage players


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