Detailed information |
Prva edicija Footgolf Match Play Slovenija 2023 bo v nedeljo 16. 7. 2023 ob 9. uri v Olimju.
Dobili bomo individualnega Match play prvaka.
Štartnina znaša: - 25 EUR za člane Footgolf zveze Slovenije (velja za nakazilo do 14. 07. 2023)
- 30 EUR za člane FZS (plačila od 15. 07. 2023 ali na dan dogodka)
Predviden potek dogajanja:
- razporeditev igralcev bo objavljena v soboto do 20. ure na FB strani FZS
- 8.00 do 8.30 prijava tekmovalcev na recepciji golf igrišča Olimje (plačilo prijavnine) - 8.45 odhod na igrišče - 9.00 pričetek turnirja – Obvezna registracija do petka 14. 07. 2023 do 20. ure! Payment information:
IBAN: SI56 1010 0005 3586 287
Account: ŠPORTNI KLUB M, Cankarjeva ulica 11, 2314 Zgornja Polskava Mention: your name + Olimje 100 |
Name | No. of players | No. of rounds | No. of teams | Max. registrations | Team type | Count of players in team? | Team count type | Note | Action |
Absolut | 29 | 0 | 0 | 128 | Individual | 1 | Each for themselves (result is sum in team) | ||
Place Footgolf Amon Olimje (18 / 72) | |||||||||
Absolut | Counted category? | 128 | Individual | 1 | Each for themselves (result is sum in team) | ||||
Place Footgolf Amon Olimje (18 / 72) |
Payment type | Price | Currency | Valid for association | For category | Valid from-till | Note |
By bank transfer | 25.00 | € | Footgolf Zveza Slovenije | -- not selected -- | - 07/14/2023 | |
By bank transfer | 30.00 | € | -- not selected -- | -- not selected -- |
Online registration is closed!In case you want to send us a message or complete information given, please use the form below.
Players registered for tournament |