Slovenska Footgolf Liga (1) - Radenci FIFG 100


About tournament

Tournament Slovenska Footgolf Liga (1) - Radenci FIFG 100
Status Finished, results

Other info

Place information

Sport Footgolf
Course name Footgolf Radenci
Count holes 18
Par 72


Organiser Footgolf Zveza Slovenije
E-mail Contact us
E-mail for registration Contact us


Start 04/24/2021 12:00
End 04/24/2021 20:00
Registration FROM 03/15/2021 09:00
Registration TILL 04/22/2021 20:00


Max.player count 100  
Number of categories? 9
Number of registered? 67
Number of confirmed players? 65
Number of cancelled reg.? 2

Main tournament partners

Footgolf Zveza Slovenije

Detailed information

Prvi krog slovenske footgolf lige bo v soboto 24. 04. 2021 ob 12. uri v Radencih.
Tekma šteje za slovensko ligo in WT - FIFG 100!
Po petih tekmah bomo dobili državnega prvaka.
Štartnina znaša:
- 20 EUR za člane Footgolf zveze Slovenije (velja za nakazilo do 21. 4. 2021)
- 25 EUR za ostale in člane FZS (plačila po 21.4.2021 ali na dan dogodka)
Predviden potek dogajanja:
- razporeditev igralcev bo objavljena v petek ob 14. uri na FB strani FZS
- 11.00 do 12.00 prijava tekmovalcev na recepciji golf igrišča Radenci (plačilo prijavnine)
- 12.15 odhod na igrišče
- 12.30 pričetek turnirja –

Igralci oz. igralke lahko igrajo na tekmi, če:
– predložijo negativni rezultat testa na virus SARS-CoV-2 z metodo verižne reakcije s polimerazo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: test PCR) ali testa HAG, ki ni starejši od 48 ur,
– predložijo dokazilo o cepljenju zoper COVID-19, s katerim dokazujejo, da je od prejema drugega odmerka cepiva proizvajalca Biontech/Pfizer preteklo najmanj sedem dni ali proizvajalca MODERNA najmanj 14 dni, oziroma od prejema prvega odmerka cepiva proizvajalca AstraZeneca najmanj 21 dni,
– imajo dokazilo o pozitivnem rezultatu testa HAG ali testa PCR, ki je starejši od 21 dni, vendar ne starejši od šest mesecev, ali
– imajo potrdilo zdravnika, da so preboleli COVID-19 in od začetka simptomov ni minilo več kot šest mesecev.

Obvezna registracija do četrtka 22. 04. 2021 do 20. ure!

Welcome to the Slovenian Footgolf league in Radenci.
This tournament is also an FIFG 100 event and open to all players registered on the World tour or a member of an official FIFG Footgolf club.
Registration fee is 25 EUR.
You can registered until Thursday 8 p.m
Payment information:
IBAN: SI56 6100 0002 1941 553
Account: Športno društvo Mokoš (FG Pomurje), Krajna 22b, 9251 Tišina
Mention: your name + Radenci100


Name No. of players No. of rounds No. of teams Max. registrations Team type Count of players in team? Team count type Note Action
Absolut 65 1 0 100 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)
Moški do 45 let 47 1 0 100 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)
Moški nad 45 let 12 1 0 100 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)
Moški nad 45 let + 8 1 0 100 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)
Moški nad 50 let + 3 1 0 100 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)
Moški nad 55 let + 2 1 0 100 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)
Ženske 4 1 0 100 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)
Mladinci pod 18 let 3 1 0 100 Individual 1 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)
Teams 65 1 5 100 Foursome 4 Each for themselves (result is sum in team)
Place Footgolf Radenci (18 / 72)

Starting fee

Payment type Price Currency Valid for association For category Valid from-till Note
By bank transfer 20.00 Footgolf Zveza Slovenije Moški do 45 let (Individual) 03/15/2021 - 04/21/2021
By bank transfer 20.00 Footgolf Zveza Slovenije Mladinci pod 18 let (Individual) 03/15/2021 - 04/21/2021
By bank transfer 20.00 Footgolf Zveza Slovenije Moški nad 45 let + (Individual) 03/15/2021 - 04/21/2021
By bank transfer 20.00 Footgolf Zveza Slovenije Moški nad 50 let + (Individual) 03/15/2021 - 04/21/2021
By bank transfer 20.00 Footgolf Zveza Slovenije Moški nad 55 let + (Individual) 03/15/2021 - 04/21/2021
By bank transfer 20.00 Footgolf Zveza Slovenije Ženske (Individual) 03/15/2021 - 04/21/2021
By bank transfer 25.00 -- not selected -- Moški do 45 let (Individual)
By bank transfer 25.00 -- not selected -- Mladinci pod 18 let (Individual)
By bank transfer 25.00 -- not selected -- Moški nad 45 let + (Individual)
By bank transfer 25.00 -- not selected -- Moški nad 50 let + (Individual)
By bank transfer 25.00 -- not selected -- Moški nad 55 let + (Individual)
By bank transfer 25.00 -- not selected -- Ženske (Individual)

Online registration is closed!

In case you want to send us a message or complete information given, please use the form below.

Contact data

Name *
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* - is required


By submitting the form, the client interested in contacting confirms that they are acquainted with The data protection principles and with the conditions for using the portal and that they agree herewith. By submitting the data, the client also confirms that they are entitled hereto and the data submitted are correct. *
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Players registered for tournament


List of registered teams

Created Team name Player count Player list Player countries Action
04/26/2021 22:38 Footgolf klub Ljubljana 5 Baša Aljoša, Klemenčič Gašper, Robida Matic, Rutar Klemen, Šraml Žiga
04/26/2021 22:38 Footgolf klub Pomurje 14 Belak Viktor, Breznik Matej, Detellbach Simon, Hozjan Uroš, Hvalec Renato, Kaučič Damijan, Kaučič Dejan, Kolar Nik, Marič Gašper, Marič Nina, Nedižavec Aleksander, Sapač Sašo, Vertačnik Anej, Wajs Mihael
04/26/2021 22:38 Footgolf klub Posočje Bovec 7 Curk Endi, Gerbec Nika, Kovač Vasja, Kravanja Aleksander, Mlekuž Denis, Sladic Simon, Zorč Primož
04/26/2021 22:38 Footgolf klub Ptuj 30 Bon Dean, Brodnjak Matija, Dabič Dalen, Damiš Matjaž, Emersic Ian, Fišer Robert, Hotko Viktor, Huber Dani, Huber Enej, Huber Sabina, Kajzer Dušan, Kampl Dejan, Krajnc Uroš, Kristovič Milan, Krnjak Matej, Lešnik Miha, Lešnik Miha-Mihi, Marčič Matic, Mertelj Sandi, Novak Dejan, Ogrinc Matjaž, Ogrinc Nejc, Ogrizek Iztok, Pek Boštjan, Perič Miran, Pignar Jure, Susman Žan, Toplak Marko, Turk Damijan, Vidovič Mitja
04/26/2021 22:38 Footgolf Sport club M 9 Dirnbek Peter, IČANOVIČ ADMIR, Kvas Anžej, Kvas Dejan, MATJAŠIČ NANI, Popović Dražen, Smigoc Uros, Šišić Mirnes, VASIČ NENAD
No. of team in list: 5


Players in individual categories?


Matches in categories - reports, results


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